Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are We Still Alive and Well???

Sometimes, I wonder how things would be if I had compatible roommates/housemates in college. Maybe I wouldn't be living solo now. One thing I've learned is that if you are messy, there are far messier! HAHA. I have this weird thing where I compare my mind to my messiness.

When my apartment is a mess, so is my mind. When I get overwhelmed with things, I tend to find piles of papers, etc a lesser priority than vegg-ing out and taking my mind off of things.

Now that we're 5 years post HS graduation, I've really come to the harsh
realization that I am no longer friends to many of those people who I had been close with before. Part of that would be due to my extreme introversion in HS and that I didn't have many close friends to begin with. Sometimes I see pictures and hear of my other friends going home to hang out with their HS friends, and all I can think is.. awww :( I don't see mine too much. It makes me so sad!

On a separate note, I started working in a 4th grade class this past week, and I'm totally still in summer mode. I need to step it up.. I get tired so easily nowadays. Anyways, after work one day, I rode my bike for 45 minutes around Davis, and went back to my old dorms. Guess what I saw! A little jack rabbit! I remember when I lived in Tercero, there would always be rabbits around everywhere because it was close to the fields and the cows and such. Made me a little nostalgic. It also reminded me of you, Adriana. HAHA.

I suppose I'll write more later. I feel like I'm totally on this post with multiple topics.

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