Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hey there,
I think I am the obsessive blogger out of us 3, so I am going to post on our New Years adventure!

6:30-8:00 DENNYS
You know, Dennys was amazingly tasty. I'm not sure whether it was the fat and salt in all my food, or if I was just really hungry. We ordered drinks though! I think Al got the Rasdango?, Adriana got the Island Punch, and I got the Strawberry Mango Punch

Cheers to a new year!

Adriana with her breakfast omelet plate:

Al with her Ranch Chicken Melt:

Me with my Philly Cheese Melt:

It was really strange because when we went to the cash register to pay, we paid $37 in dollars and around $1 in coins. The girl, Shannon, (not like I'm going to forget her name after talking to her for like 10 minutes) kept telling us that it wasn't right. We kept telling her to recount, but she was getting pretty impatient with us. She didn't want to count the change! I think she was being kinda anal about the tips too, but we gave enough. (After dealing with her, I kinda wanted to take some of it back, to be honest!) She got pretty anal over a missing penny too.

We raced to Milbrae to catch the BART so we could beat the traffic in getting out to SF. Al found these snazzy fast pass tickets so we could pay a flat rate and ride the BART however much we wanted to (well, from 6pm -3am).

We got off at the SF Shopping Center. The shops were closed, but you could still walk around in it.. so we did. We had about 3 1/2 hours to kill, I think.

AAA in front of Westfield BART entrance:

Here are some pictures of us when we were exploring the SF Shopping Center:

They had these pretty lights going on!

And then, I decided to start spinning in circles (I think that's my hair flying :S):

We saw that there was an abandoned Santa center, so we decided to take pictures!
Well, we used the stand as a picture frame!

It was funny that we were dressed nicely on the top half..but we're smart girls, so we wore COMFY shoes! Look!

Then we beat down on Adriana. Notice how Al's got 'Knee to the Groin' down.. and I got that straight punch going on:

Al and I stopped for Dinner #2. We finished our leftover sandwiches:
Sandwich cheers!

Asian fob pose:

Adriana wanted New Years hats, so we went around to the local Walgreens and RiteAids in search for them. Third store was the charm! Al really wanted this ginormous mp3 player.. and I just wanted the calculator!

And here are our hats!

We found this mini-Muni bus too!

We basically just milled around, trying to find bathrooms and such.. until 11:55pm, when we made a run for the piers again. We didn't want to miss the countdown, but we did anyways! No one knew when the 3-2-1 was!

At least we caught the fireworks!

Happy New Year, 2008!

After the fireworks, we met back up with Al's family. We walked quite a ways and ended up having a little mid-night snack at Mel's Diner. We shared a banana split!

After, we headed back to Al's house for a night of hang out and catching up!

And to wrap up the night with quotes stolen off of Al's facebook:

"Yeah, that's really embarrassing. Man, I wish that...I didn't look like that"
-- Ann, on looking back at our hideous highschool pictures in the yb

"Adriana, eat some of the banana split"
"No, I'm gonna be sick."
"Come on, eat some!"
"Oh man. No, I can't eat that. If I do, I'm gonna need an insulin shot."
-- Adriana, on not eating the banana split and drinking a Coke and diabetes...which will inevitably be part of our future, considering our current diets

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